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P: Published and Forthcoming Articles in Journals

  1. Dunne, Paul and Dimitrios Vougas "Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa: A Causal Analysis", Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 43, No. 4, August 1999, pp 521-537.
  2. Batchelor, Peter and Paul Dunne "The Restructuring of South Africa’s Defence Industry", African Security Review, Volume 7, no. 6, 1998.
  3. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and Guy Lamb. "The Demand for Military Spending in South Africa". Economics Discussion Paper No. 44, Middlesex University Business School. Under revision for the Journal of Peace Research.
  4. Forthcoming Special Issue of Defence and Peace Economics on South Africa:

  5. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and Sepideh Parsa "Corporate Performance and Military Production in South Africa".
  6. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and David Saal "Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa".
  7. Paul Dunne and Duncan Watson "Military Expenditure and Employment in South Africa".
  8. Birdi, Alvin, Paul Dunne and David Saal "The Impact of Arms Production on the South African Manufacturing Industry".
  9. Dunne, Paul, Efi Nikolaidou and Andre Roux "Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa: A Supply and Demand Model".

    Other Papers:

  11. Batchelor, Peter and Paul Dunne "Industrial Participation, Investment and Growth: The Case of South Africa’s Defence Related Industry". Paper presented to the South African Trade and Industry Policy Secretariat (TIPS) Conference, Midrand, September 1999. Also available at
  12. Peter Batchelor and Paul Dunne: "The Peace Dividend in South Africa". Forthcoming chapter in Changing Priorities of Military Expenditures and the Results of the Peace Dividend’ an edited collection published by the Bonn International Conversion Centre, 2000.
  13. Batchelor, Peter and Paul Dunne: Report on restructuring options for Denel Pty (Ltd) for South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry. September 1997.
  14. Batchelor, Peter: ‘South Africa’s Arms Trade with the Commonwealth: A Cause for Concern?Over a Barrel: Light Weapons and Human Rights in the Commonwealth (New Delhi, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, November 1999)
  15. Peter Batchelor and Paul Dunne "Restructuring of South Africa's Defence Industry", Trade and Industry Monitor, Trade and Industry Policy Secretariat and Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town. Volume 11, September 1999.
  16. Dunne, Paul ‘The Statistics of Militarism’, Chapter 43 in Danny Dorling and Ludi Simpson (eds) (1999) ‘Statistics in Society’, Arnold, London, pp 376-383.

DP: Discussion Papers:

  1. Dunne, Paul and Dimitrios Vougas "Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa": A Causal Analysis. Economics Discussion Paper No. 43, Middlesex University Business School. June 1998.
  2. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and Guy Lamb "The Demand for Military Spending in South Africa". Economics Discussion Paper No. 44, Middlesex University Business School. July 1998.
  3. Batchelor, Peter and Paul Dunne "The Restructuring of South Africa's Defence Industry". Economics Discussion Paper No. 46, Middlesex University Business School. August 1998.
  4. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and Sepideh Parsa "Corporate Performance and Military Production in South Africa". Economics Discussion Paper no. 61, Middlesex University Business School. February 1999.
  5. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and David Saal "Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa". Economics Discussion Paper No. 62, Middlesex University Business School. February 1999.
  6. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and David Saal "Identifying South Africa’s Defence Industrial Base", Economics Discussion Paper No. 65, Middlesex University Business School. March 1999.
  7. Paul Dunne and Duncan Watson "Military Expenditure and Employment in South Africa". Forthcoming Economics Discussion Paper.
  8. Birdi, Alvin, Paul Dunne and David Saal "The Impact of Arms Production on the South African Manufacturing Industry". Forthcoming Economics Discussion Paper.
  9. Dunne, Paul, Efi Nikolaidou and Andre Roux "Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa: A Supply and Demand Model" Forthcoming Economics Discussion Paper.


WP: Working Papers and Papers in Process:

  1. Dunne, Paul "An Econometric Analysis of Military Spending and Economic Growth in South Africa". Paper presented to the Fourth Annual Conference on Econometric Modelling for Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, July 1999.
  2. Dunne, Paul and Alvin Birdi "Industrial Output and Productivity in South African Manufacturing: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis". Paper presented to the Fourth Annual Conference on Econometric Modelling for Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, July 1999.
  3. Batchelor, Peter and Paul Dunne "The Restructuring of South Africa’s Defence Industry and the Arms Trade". Paper presented to a conference on "The Arms Trade, Security and Conflict", Middlesex University Business School, June 1999.
  4. Liu, Aying and David Saal "An Input-Output Analysis of Structural Change in the Apartheid Era in South Africa", Mimeo, Middlesex University Business School, July 1999.
  5. Dunne, Paul and David Saal "Government Procurement and Industrial Development in South Africa 1971-88". Mimeo, Middlesex University Business School. June 1999
  6. Batchelor, Peter, Paul Dunne and David Saal "The Legacy of Apartheid: A Disaggregated Analysis of the Impact of Arms Production On South Africa’s Manufacturing Industry", Mimeo, Middlesex University Business School.
  7. Batchelor, Peter and Paul Dunne "The Restructuring of Public Sector Military Industry: A Case Study of Denel in South Africa". Mimeo, Middlesex University Business School.