Welcome to the home page of the project:
Arms Production and Trade in the Post Cold War Era
This research project focused on the the profound but poorly understood changes
in the international security environment that had taken place since the end of the Cold War.
This project aimed to undertake a set of tightly linked theoretical and
empirical studies of the determinants of military expenditure (
which has fallen rapidly since the peak of the mid 1980s) and its
effect on economic growth, of procurement and the regulation of the
arms trade (both of which had become increasingly competitive),
and of arms production (where the industry was being massively
restructured). A combination of economic theory and empirical analysis
using recent development in theory and econometrics provide a deeper
understanding of the changes taking place and their policy implications.
Detailed proposal
Non-technical summary
Progress Report January 2003
Final Report February 2004 and completed papers
Main Investigators:
Paul Dunne: School of Economics, University of the West of England
Maria Garcia-Alonso: Department of Economics, University of Kent
Paul Levine: Department of Economics, University of Surrey
Ron Smith: Department of Economics, Birkbeck College, University of London
Economic and Social Research Council
Ref: R00239388
Related information:
Arms Trade Group home page (previous project)
Final report for previous project
Related links